Friday, December 28, 2007

Deciding On What Cell Phone to Buy

Often when buying a cell phone people find it hard to decide on what sort or what type to get. There are so many models and brands out there that trying to get the best one for you is often a long and hard task. However here is a basic guide I have put together to help you get your head around choosing.

Often when buying a cell phone people find it hard to decide on what sort or what type to get. There are so many models and brands out there that trying to get the best one for you is often a long and hard task. However here is a basic guide I have put together to help you get your head around choosing.

The first thing you want to do is choose a cell phone service provider, people often think that good communication on a cell phone depends on the cell phone, it doesn't. The majority of how good your communication is depends on your cell phone service provider, so firstly make sure you shop around and find a good provider. After this and only after, you should start to look at a cell phone handset.

To me I class cell phones into 3 different categories, the basic cell phones, the advanced cell phones and the smart cell phone, often known as a PDA's. When looking for a handset you should work out a budget on how much you can spend and the sorts of phones in that price range that you could get. Another thing that I want to point out about buying a cell phone is that it is very important to actually physically see the phone and hold it. You can't tell if a phone is for you just by looking at a picture, you need to go to the shop and have a play around with it.

Ok let's talk about the basic cell phone handsets. Basic handsets these days come with the everyday features that a user needs things like making phone calls, sending SMS messages and now having polyphonic ring tones. These basic cell phones are perfect for a consumer not looking to spend a lot of money, they do not have the up-market style and features that the more advanced phones have but they are relatively cheap and easy to use.
Tip! Increase in expenses: -Greater the number of cell phones in a home greater is the bill. Children don't care about how much their parents will pay for their luxuries, they are careless and don't most of them have sense of responsibility.

The more advanced cell phones these days offer extensive features in cell phone technology and often come in small compact units. They come with the ability to shoot photos, shoot movies, play music, have real and polyphonic ring tones, have Bluetooth features and have built in and removable memory cards to store data. These features are not generally necessities for a consumer but more of a want for the pleasure of the feature. Compared to the basic handset the more advanced phones have a lot more features but also come at a higher price, they often cost 2 to 3 times more than your basic handsets.

The most technologically advanced phones one the market today are called smart phones or PDA's, they combine advanced cell phone technology with computer technology. They contain all the features of an advanced phone plus the features of a computer. These features include internet, email, basic documenting, memory storage, calendar and appointment scheduling, and often more. These are also the most expensive type of cell phones and often costing in excess of hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
Tip! The Most Satisfying Cell Phone: Perhaps you just want to cut to the chase. You don't care to impress, you don't care what is 'in', you just want to know if people actually liked the phone after it was purchased.

As you can see from this there are many of different cell phones out there, however if you narrow down to what sort of phone you want and how much you are prepared to spend than your choice on what sort of phone you should buy is not as hard. After this it just becomes a matter of what phone in your price range appeals to you the most. is a {KEYWORD}information portal founded by Jakob Culver. To find out more information about this topic and more visit the website:

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